When to Replace a Broken Tooth with Dental Implants

A healthy and beautiful smile is an essential part of a person's identity. However, events such as accidents, trauma, or dental infections can cause tooth loss. Although dental prosthetics such as dentures or bridges can provide short-term solutions, dental implants offer a permanent fix. In this blog post, we will discuss when it's best to replace a broken tooth with dental implants.


The extent of the damage


When you have a broken tooth, the first thing that a dentist will check is the extent of the damage. If the tooth has undergone severe structural damage and is beyond repair, the dentist may suggest extracting the tooth and replacing it with a dental implant. A dental implant provides a permanent solution, as it's anchored into the jawbone and functions like a natural tooth.


Age and overall oral health


The suitability of dental implants depends on a person's age and overall oral health. Young patients with fully-developed teeth and healthy gums and bones are ideal candidates for dental implants. In contrast, patients with advanced gum disease or weak healthy jawbones may require additional treatments such as bone grafting. Additionally, patients who develop dental issues related to chronic illnesses such as diabetes or cancer may have to delay implant placement.


Future dental needs


A dental implant procedure is an investment that pays off in the long term. Patients that require extensive dental work in the future should consider dental implants with center for wisdom teeth & dental implants from murrieta as a dental prosthetic that provides long-term advantages. Unlike dentures or bridges, dental implants are not susceptible to decay or damage from dental trauma. However, patients with a history of frequent teeth grinding may damage their dental implants.


Patient preference


While a dentist may recommend dental implants, the final decision rests with the patient. Some patients may prefer the convenience of dentures or bridges to implants. Dental implants require multiple appointments, and the procedure may take several months to complete. In comparison, dentures and bridges have a faster and less invasive procedure.


Cosmetic Concerns


While broken teeth can significantly impact your ability to chew, the appearance of your teeth also plays an important role in your overall dental hygiene. A missing tooth can lead to bone loss and shifting in other teeth. This shift can lead to teeth crowding, uneven wear, and difficulty when brushing or flossing. Dental implants deliver the natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance of a healthy tooth.


While dental implants require a more involved and expensive procedure, they offer numerous advantages over other dental prosthetics such as dentures or bridges. Dental implants are a permanent solution that imitates a natural tooth, making it suitable for patients of all ages and allowing you to maintain your dental health. As with any medical procedure, it’s vital to consult a dentist before determining what option is best to address your dental issues. Regardless of the option chosen, dental hygiene must remain a top priority to avoid further dental issues. Remember to schedule regular dental visits to ensure any future dental issues are caught and resolved early.


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